vrijdag 4 oktober 2013

Water quality

Yesterday I did a waterchange on my main tank and I wanted to upgrade the water quality for my fish.
At the store that I bought my new 2 fish I also bought these resources that can upgrade your water quality.
You need to add it in the water right after you did a waterchange.
This is what I bought:

I added it into the water after I did my waterchange and this is what it looks like.

It looked really funny I was a bit scared though, don't like not seeing my fish!
the pouder was formed a small layer on top of my fish, I didn't like that as well.
But as the time went by the pouder did vanished.
Maybe I needed to mix it with more water before I put it in.

well that was yesterday and this morning it looked like this

So that was a lot better, I think tonight it will all be gone and I will tell you if I notice changes.
I don't like it that the pouder is laying on top of my wood and plants tho.. but the snails are cleaning it !

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